Our Pedal Boards as of October 2023
In Episode 62 we cover pedalboards and reference our current pedalboards. Below are pics of the boards for reference….
In Episode 62 we cover pedalboards and reference our current pedalboards. Below are pics of the boards for reference….
A thoughtful coworker gave me this after learning that I was into fixing and restoring old guitar gear. The issue was that the wah part wasn’t working. I traced it to a loose set screw on the wah pot’s shaft. It was an easy fix. The Fender Fuzz Wah is a pretty impressive beast from
Christmas of 1978 I found one of these mustard-brown beauties under the tree. Finally I was able to approximate those hard rock sounds I heard on records. I really loved that pedal. It felt like a serious professional accessory with its sturdy, business-like design and solid construction. I don’t recall how I used the pedal
I suck at wah. I might not suck so much if I spent some quality time working out how to make use of one in an interesting way. This is something I’d definitely like to do someday because any time that I do plug into one and put in a little effort I can see
Chorus is one of those effects that is nearly impossible for me to separate from a certain decade. Every time I step on a chorus I can’t help think 80s. This is probably due to its overuse in that decade. The chorus adds a beautiful sheen to everything so I reckon a lot of 80s
In the late 90s a friend lent me a Roland 201 Space echo. I had it in my possession for quite some time. Maybe 8 months or so. I was doing a lot of home recording back then and got to know it quite well. When I returned it I replaced it with a BOSS
The other day a Facebook memory came down my feed. It was a photo from a tour one of my old bands did in the very early 2000s. It was a shot of me futzing with my pedals on stage at Hotel Utah in San Francisco. It was a nice warm fuzzy memory as I
Phase shifting is one of my favorite guitar effects. You would never know it by watching me play live or by listening to records/recordings I’ve played on. I hardly ever use a phaser in the music I play. Still, I LOVE phase shifters and spend a good deal of time plugged into them while dicking
One of the greatest struggles for a teenage guitarist coming up in the late 70s was procuring an amplifier capable of getting you heard above a drummer (or a room full of other teenage guitarists coming up in the late 70s). It’s easy to take for granted the sheer number of affordable, medium to high
I currently own and use 2 Tube Screamers. One 90s reissue TS-9 and one 80s TS-10. I use them both often. I picked up the TS-9 in ’96 or so and put it on my live board. It’s been on there ever since. It’s also been engaged the entire time. I am an “always on”
I was in no real hurry to enter the work force after high school graduation. I also had no plans for college since I assumed college was just a more self-disciplined version of high school and I really hated high school (and self-discipline). All I really wanted to do was play rock and roll guitar.
In 2008 or so I took up building pedals. I became quite obsessed with the hobby for a couple of years. The www provides so many great resources for building, modding, and dissecting guitar pedals. It’s a great community and a classic example of the internet used for “good”. I reckon I built 30 or